Sunday, November 1, 2009

Two weeks ago my father became an orphan, and I lost my last grandmother.
Today we went to her house, to look which furniture we wanted to have. I was happy, because I may have a beautiful couch, two great closets and some more stuff, all for when I move out.
There was also a cookingbook there, the pages were brown because it was so old. It was called: 'elektro cookingbook', and it was about how to use different electric cooking devices. There were a lot of recipes in it, from really simple to difficult to make. It had a bookmark in it, and I became so sad because now she can't make whatever she wanted to make. And also because I will never know which of the puddings that were on that page it is that she wanted to make.
It seems so silly, that out of all the things that were there, this made me the most sad.

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