Options are:
- do the master that belongs to the bachelor
- do a master that belongs to the bachelor, but on a different university
- do another bachelor, that has different (as in: more fun) career prospectives
There are other jobs I could do. But I am not even considering those, I did not when I chose this study, I still don't. I am not interested in them at all. And that's OK.
That is why I am considering doing another bachelor, that has different career prospectives. I was thinking about a language. That is quite funny because when I had to choose a study at high school, I considered English Language and Culture. I didn't do it because in the end, I was more interested in biology (I still am interested in it, a lot! that's is not the problem). But I also thought: what can you do after that? Translator, interpreter... that's pretty much it, that should be boring after some time. And now I am considering it again, because of the reason I did nót do it back then. But now I know there are more options besides translator and interpreter. Journalist for example, or editor. And I would like to do that.
But that's what I think now, and I do not know if I will think the same in a couple of months. I will have to think about this thoroughly, and I hope writing this down helps me. Especially since it has become such a long long story...