Saturday, December 19, 2009

I make the same mistake every year: I should NOT wish for snow.
Everything is so slippery, I'm almost terrified to just go outside.

World: heat up please! And do it fast! Within 5 minutes, before I have to go outside and drive a car, would that be possible?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I think the weathergods read this blog, because it is snowing!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I would like to complain about something.
And that is: the cold

I hate that it is so cold. If it is so cold that you can iceskate on a pond or make a giant snowman or have a snowball fight, than there is at least some fun about it. But with this tempertaure around 0° C, it's just really really cold, and that's all. :(

And please people, stop saying: 'we could very well have an Elfstedentocht this year!!!', when it's barely freezing... it's being said every single year and it hardly ever happens. You can always hope, but wait with saying it could very well happen, until it actually could!

Low temperatures makes me grumpy.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How long will it take you to see what this is?
A teacher showed this in college, to show that memory, knowledge and experience need to work together to recognize images.
I needed someone to tell me before I recognized it, and I was quite surprised I couldn't see it right away.